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A Speech and Book for The New Spiritual Economics Part I

A Speech and Book for The New Spiritual Economics Part I

By Cedric Muhammad -Guest Columnist- | Last updated: Jul 6, 2010 - 10:40:18 AM

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The economic plight of the black people of this land has so long been neglected by so-called leaders that even our own people have forgotten it's basic importance.” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Message To The Blackman

“It is only after coming into the light of what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us of the knowledge of God, the self, and of the enemy of God and self, and the true religion of God, that we could then go after the science of business, the science of warfare, and the science of mating, that we would never again be a slave to any man, dependent on other human beings for our food, clothing, and shelter and the necessities of life and that we would become producers of this for ourselves.” -The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Closing The Gap

‘Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble?' in Isaiah 14:16


In terms of footnote documentation, it is the most meticulously researched book I have ever read. Anyone who would dismiss this book or take a very narrow view of it is simply indolent (lazy), not a careful reader, did not read it at all, or never took the time to independently read some of the excellent sourcing of this book which compiles the work of eminently respected scholars and the historical record.
On the night of June 26, 2010, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan uttered these words, in Atlanta, Georgia, “I pray that tonight will be the beginning of an earth-shaking movement of Christians, and Muslims, and Hebrews working together, for not only the liberation of our people in America but working for the liberation of all humanity from the blinding touch of Satan who has deceived the entire world.” Immediately upon hearing this, I thought of another statement he wrote, in reference to a speech he made in Phoenix, Arizona on September 21, 1986. In a letter dated December 12, 1986, Minister Farrakhan wrote these words, “This speech, in my judgment, formally ushers in that which is the launching pad of a worldwide movement.”

There is a profound connection between “Who Are The Real Children of Israel?” given this past week, and “Self-Improvement: The Basis For Community Development,” given nearly 24 years ago.

There are those who both love and hate Minister Farrakhan whom I believe are taking a very narrow view of “Who Are The Real Children of Israel?” The former group will do so primarily out of ignorance and an unwillingness to grow. The latter group will do this, primarily out of wickedness, and an unwillingness to grow.

Neither group will properly respond to this statement the Minister made during his speech, “My declaring this, I know will divide scholars, theologians, Jews, Christians and Muslims but it is time now that a proper dialogue be set up to answer the question that I have raised and answered. It is time for the scholars to sit down and listen to and look at scripture and prophecy to find out who is that Last One that would usher in the Kingdom and bring about the end of this present world.”

I was blessed to read The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume II: How Jews Gained Control Of The Black American Economy in advance of Minister Farrakhan's speech. Over five days, in an exhilarating and pained reading, I read every single page and carefully reviewed every single one of the footnotes of Volume II. In terms of footnote documentation, it is the most meticulously researched book I have ever read. Anyone who would dismiss this book or take a very narrow view of it is simply indolent (lazy), not a careful reader, did not read it at all, or never took the time to independently read some of the excellent sourcing of this book which compiles the work of eminently respected scholars and the historical record.

I write this not only as a Student of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as represented by Minister Louis Farrakhan, but as a student of economics who recognizes the quality and impact of many of the works, authors, periodicals, scholars, publications, historians and economists that Volume II cites and refers the reader to look deeper into. Simply put, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume II: How Jews Gained Control Of The Black American Economy utilizes the words, testimony, arguments, and perspectives of some of the most credible and authoritative experts and opinion leaders in the discipline of economics.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's speech (which provides scriptural interpretation (exegesis), a method of argumentation, and some empirical and anecdotal evidence not included in the book) along with the book open up a new school of thought toward a universal and unified view of the various disciplines which this world's colleges, universities, scientists and media examine separately.

In other words, this speech and book not only deepen one's understanding of historiography, theology, religion, linguistics, economics, sociology, anthropology, arts and culture; but this speech and book open up new avenues of research and learning within all of these fields.

When I say universal or unified what do I mean?

According to Merriam Webster's online dictionary “universe” comes from a root Latin word which means “entire.” In utilizing the word “unified,” I am referring to the ability of the speech and book to show the shared principles and relationship between seemingly different fields of study and sciences of life.

One of those sciences which Who Are The Real Children of Israel?' and The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volumes I and II can help anyone—Black, Red, Brown, Yellow, and White—to gain a mastery of is business.

The extraordinary value of the speech and book become clear when one considers this portion of a question and answer exchange between Brother Jabril Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan in the book Closing The Gap: Inner Views of The Heart, Mind & Soul of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan:

Brother Jabril: “Brother Minister, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that there were three scientific fields of knowledge that the slave master did not want the slave to ever learn. What are those areas of knowledge and what has that ignorance produced in us as a people? How does knowledge of music, medicine, and color, help in overcoming that ignorance?

Minister Farrakhan: “The three sciences, as I recall, were: number 1) the science of business, 2) science of warfare, 3) the science of mating.

“In the word business is: b-u-s-i, and the i is interchangeable with y, ‘busy.'

“When a person is busy, they're active. So the science of business is the science of the life activity. The life activity, that is dictated by the nature in which we're created, is that we must utilize what God is giving to us; develop it through knowledge and use that with what God has already put here to become productive; to be producers.

“So the science of business is the knowledge of how to satisfy the natural needs of a human being in the manner that pleases God. Business, which takes, of course, into consideration the acquisition of wealth; the proper use of wealth or the creation of wealth; the making of a product; the sale and distribution of what one makes; the creation of a means of satisfying necessities—food, clothing, shelter, trade, and commerce—all of this is really a science.

“When one does not know it, then we are subjected to the one who does know it. We become their servant, and, at worse, their slave. So if the enemy wanted to keep us as perpetual slaves, this then is a science that we were not to become familiar with because that would free us from the state of dependence that a slave existence determines.

Now, consider all of the above in terms of this portion of Minister Farrakhan's address, “Who Are The Real Children of Israel?;”

“Do we do business like business should be done? Let me hear an answer. In the word business is the word ‘busy,' and when you are busy, you're engaged in some focused activity. Business is the activity of life itself. When you are a living organism you must be engaged in that which preserves and maintains your life. There is no creature that God created that is not busy—feeding, sheltering, procreating, extending itself. If we are a living people, see, inanimate objects don't do this. They don't procreate. They don't go looking for food or shelter. They're inanimate, meaning they're not living. But what about you? Ever since we've been in America we haven't provided food, clothing, shelter, education for ourselves and our people. Am I lying?”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Bible had been so tampered with that it took God Himself, or one taught by Him to properly interpret its true meaning.

Could it be that one of the keys to properly understanding the Bible, for hundreds of millions of Christians, in particular, is accepting—what both the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan have taught—that the term “dead,” as it appears in the scriptures, has a spiritual meaning, and not just physical, and that one of the ways to measure the spiritual “life” and “death” of a people is studying the manner in which they conduct trade and commerce, with themselves, and others?


The Messiah's work of “raising the dead,” introduces the new science of spiritual economics.

Cedric Muhammad is a business consultant, political strategist, and monetary economist. He is a former GM of Wu-Tang Management and a current member of the African Union's First Congress of African Economists. Cedric also is Founder of the economic information service Africa PreBrief (http://africaprebrief.com/) and author of ‘The Entrepreneurial Secret' (http://theEsecret.com/). He can be contacted via e-mail at: cedric(at)cmcap.com

Reposted from THE FINAL CALL (finalcall.com)


A Speech and Book For The New Spiritual Economics (Part 2)

A Speech and Book For The New Spiritual Economics (Part 2)

By Cedric Muhammad -Guest Columnist- | Last updated: Jul 19, 2010 - 9:50:59 AM

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There are many members of the American Jewish community and even its political establishment whom I believe would be deeply moved by Volume Two of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,” especially if they take the time to read its detailed footnotes, which cite eminent scholars, historians, and economists.
“From Los Angeles' early years, Jews dominated the merchant class. They came to the pueblo and immediately opened dry-goods stores, stationery stores, and blacksmith shops – anything that might flourish in a slow-moving frontier economy … Since Los Angeles was so isolated, most of these merchants had partners in either San Francisco or New York, men who could select and ship new merchandise for the stores. Frequently, these were family members, for early Jewish settlers relied on extended kinship networks to keep down their costs.” —“Towers of Gold: How One Jewish Immigrant Named Isaias Hellman Created California “ by Frances Dinkelspiel

The member of the American Jewish Community with whom I have had the deepest and most respectful public dialogue regarding Black-Jewish relations is Mr. Steven Silbiger, author of “The Ten-Day MBA” (which sold over 250,000 copies) and “The Jewish Phenomenon.” Mr. Silbiger is a highly intelligent man and both of his books are very significant in my opinion.

In 2003, Mr. Silbiger and I met outside of Philadelphia where I conducted a several-hour long interview, which eventually was published at BlackElectorate.com. The reaction I received to the interview—by both Blacks and non-Blacks was phenomenal and Mr. Silbiger would later thank me for helping to popularize his book, “The Jewish Phenomenon.”

Shortly after the release of the revised edition of “The Jewish Phenomenon,” In December of 2009, we spoke again, in a wide-ranging interview on my radio program. In that discussion, Mr. Silbiger repeated something that we discussed previously—that the most enthusiastic reaction he has received, in a positive sense, to his book, has come from the Black community and that the most resistance to “The Jewish Phenomenon” came from within the Jewish community.

One of the things Mr. Silbiger told me in reference to this—in 2003—was that National Public Radio (NPR) canceled a scheduled show featuring Mr. Silbiger and Black conservative intellectual John McWhorter out of fear that a discussion involving “The Jewish Phenomenon” would alienate NPR's numerous Jewish benefactors.

Here is part of the exchange that Mr. Silbiger and I had regarding this topic back then:

Cedric Muhammad: You were telling me some interesting anecdotes that we were discussing over lunch regarding how your book, really, for lack of a better description, hasn't gotten the best reception from journalists, media outlets and opinion leaders in the Jewish community. Could you elaborate more on the nature of this—the reasons for it as you were telling me earlier?

Steven Silbiger: Sure, the people who have read the book enjoy the book, it is very useful but within the media there has been an almost silence about the book because they would rather the book not create any discussion. A lot of the book reviewers and people in the main press don't want to cover the book because the subject of Jewish success in America is more controversial than anything else. Because the idea is that if you publicize Jewish success and the reasons for it, then it will bring additional anti-Semitism to the Jewish community. I have spoken to Jewish groups, B'nai B'rith, Haddasah—many Jewish groups, and the book has been universally well-received when presented, but book reviewers and other opinion leaders would rather not deal with the subject because their downside is much greater than the upside for covering the book. I wouldn't mind negative reviews. But they'd rather not review it at all because of how powerful the message is in this book ...”

This exchange implies much about the role that the media plays in determining the quality of the dialogue over Black-Jewish relations.

On the back cover of the revised version of the book one sees:

“Revealing Facts and Statistics behind The Jewish Phenomenon

• Jews make up only 2 percent of the total U.S. population, yet 45 percent of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans are Jewish.

• One-third of American multimillionaires are Jewish.

• The percentage of Jewish households with income greater than $50,000 is double that of non-Jews.

• 20 percent of professors at leading universities are Jewish.

• 40 percent of partners in the leading New York and Washington, D.C., law firms are Jewish.

• 25 percent of all American Nobel Prize winners are Jewish.”

One of the very few things I disagree with contained within Mr. Silbiger's book is his description of the causes for what he calls a ‘rift' in Black-Jewish relations.

In a section headlined, ‘AFRICAN AMERICANS AND THE JEWS,' he writes: “The relationship between the American Jews and the African-American community has been a close but strained one. At the beginning of the twentieth century the bonds were stronger, but the rise of Muslim religious leaders in the African-American community in the 1950s began to widen the rift between them. Some of these African-American Muslims have mistakenly used Jews as scapegoats for their own lack of progress. Although there were a few Jewish slave owners in the South, Jews were not large players in the slave trade.”

To support the last sentence of this statement, Mr. Silbiger has a footnote that directs one to the book, “Jews, Slaves and the Slave Trade” by Eli Farber.

A few corrections and counter-arguments can be easily made in light of the just published and meticulously researched “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume Two: How Jews Gained Control Of The Black American Economy.”

First, the statement, “Jews were not large players in the slave trade,” is easily overcome by the avalanche of detailed history, from Jewish archives, regarding the settlement of Brazil, Surinam, Curacao, Jamaica and Barbados in the Caribbean; as well as the history of the slave holders and slave traders in American cities like Charleston, South Carolina and Newport, Rhode Island. In addition statements centered upon the ‘slave trade,' are potentially misleading as they ignore or redirect attention from the central role that members of the Jewish community played in supporting the plantation economy as merchants; and as cotton factors and crop lien holders in the sharecropping era.

Second, Volume Two provides overwhelming evidence that in the American South it was suffering Blacks who were used by certain members of the Jewish community as both ‘scapegoat' or ‘buffer' to facilitate their own assimilation or integration into White Gentile society.

As quoted in Volume Two, Irving Howe, author of the most popular book on American Jewish history, “World Of Our Fathers” writes, “For decades American blacks had served …as a kind of buffer for American Jews. So long as native hatreds were taken out primarily on blacks, they were less likely to be taken out on Jews.” Also from Volume Two we read the words of Rabbi Bertram W. Korn, “The Negroes acted as an escape-valve in Southern society. The Jews gained in status and security from the very presence of this large mass of defenseless victims who were compelled to absorb all of the prejudices which might otherwise have been expressed more frequently in anti-Jewish sentiment …”

Could it be that it is quotes like these—from respected Jewish opinion leaders and not Black ‘anti-Semitism'—which members of the Jewish Political Establishment truly fear?

Third, Mr. Silbiger's statement, “the rise of Muslim religious leaders in the African-American community in the 1950s began to widen the rift,” in an important sense cannot be proven true in light of certain statements from establishment Jewish leaders of that era. This excerpt from the Preface of Volume Two makes that clear. Related to an unsubstantiated claim in 1959 by Time Magazine that the Nation of Islam was anti-Semitic we read:

In response to the 1959 Time Magazine article, the head of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Arnold Forster, admitted in a secret memo that “Time magazine notwithstanding, we have no documentable evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of the Temples of Islam movement or Elijah Muhammad.” He affirmed that they are “not anti-Jewish per se.” Yet Jewish organizations publicly continued to label the NOI as ‘anti-Semitic.' In 1960, the chairman of the American Jewish Congress, Nathan Edelstein, wrote that “We doubt whether the bulk of its followers are presently committed to anti-Semitism.”

In the footnotes of Volume Two's Preface the sources for the above information are given to substantiate what is written.

In Brother Jabril Muhammad's book “This Is The One” first published in the early 1970s we read:

“Back in 1959, the white press, as if on signal, launched a furious attack on Messenger Muhammad and The Nation of Islam, following the dishonest portrayal of us entitled: ‘The Hate that Hate Produced.' Through such publications as Time, U.S. News and World Report, Newsweek, The Reporter, Esquire, Confidential, True, Saga, and a host of other magazines and newspapers; white America spewed forth a flood of articles, both superficial, spurious and poisonous in nature. A few among them did a creditable job, as far as they went. But the bulk of what was written was insidious and rotten to the core. But it did not hurt us.

There is plenty evidence to show that much of the material was deliberately misleading. There are instances when reporters found interpolations in the text to their stories that were altered, here and there, by their ‘bosses' so as to misrepresent their findings of the Messenger and his followers.”

Part of the ‘plenty evidence' referred to in “This Is The One” was revealed in 1996 with the publication of “In The Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farrakhan And The Nation of Islam.” In it author Mattias Gardell writes:

In 1959, the FBI launched a large-scale media campaign. In this first phase, the FBI briefed selected journalists who willingly channeled the view of the bureau to the American public. The special agent in charge (SAC) in Chicago, wrote: “Originally the program was centered around espousing to the public, both white and black, on a nationwide basis the abhorrent aspects of the organization and its racist, hate type teachings. This was done in such leading magazines as Time, U.S. News and World Report, Saturday Evening Post etc. … as well as through newspapers.”

The ADL and the FBI have a very intimate relationship. Part of it involves the ADL both training and briefing the FBI on such topics as what it calls ‘radical Islam.' One such training session was conducted on May 18, 2010. How far back has such training gone, and is the ADL the fountain from which the lie that the Nation of Islam is ‘Anti-Semitic' (even though the ADL privately admits it is not true) comes?

There are many members of the American Jewish community and even its political establishment whom I believe would be deeply moved by Volume Two of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,” especially if they take the time to read its detailed footnotes, which cite eminent scholars, historians, and economists.

I believe these individuals—after such a reading—would sense something very spiritually wrong in the reaction the ADL had to the powerful letter that was written to its President, Mr. Abraham Foxman, by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The past and current efforts of some in the Jewish community to silence or distort discussions regarding the sources of its wealth are hurting, not helping Black-Jewish relations.

The sooner the ‘intelligent and sensible' dialogue which Minister Farrakhan describes begins, the sooner a greater appreciation and admiration for the beautiful side of Jewish kinship-based economics can emerge—enlightening and inspiring not only Black Americans, but an entire world.

In closing, Steven Silbiger has personally told me of his admiration for the leader of the UNIA, the Honorable Marcus Garvey.

While Steven Silbiger expresses high regard for Marcus Garvey, this great leader from Jamaica has also been labeled as ‘anti-Semitic.'

However, in “The Jewish Phenomenon” we read, “Garvey denounced discrimination against the Jews and ascribed it to others' jealousy of Jewish economic success. At the same time, emphasizing his self-empowerment theme, he cautioned against relying on Jews, stating that the very racial solidarity he admired made Jews loyal only to themselves.”

Think and read for yourself.

Order Volumes One and Two of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” today.

(Cedric Muhammad is a business consultant, political strategist, and monetary economist. He's a former GM of Wu-Tang Management and currently a Member of the African Union's First Congress of African Economists. Cedric's the Founder of the economic information service Africa PreBrief (http://africaprebrief.com/) and author of ‘The Entrepreneurial Secret' (http://theEsecret.com/). He can be contacted via e-mail at: cedric(at)cmcap.com.)

Reposted from THE FINAL CALL (finalcall.com)

PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE ~ The Insanity of White Supremacy

The Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade

The Proof: Lessons from Jewish Influence on World Affairs

The Proof: Lessons from Jewish Influence on World Affairs

By the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Jul 30, 2010 - 6:08:29 PM

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[Editor's note: The following article contains excerpts from an address the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered on July 11, 2010 titled “Who Are The Real Children of Israel? Part 2: The Proof.” Click here to order this message in its entirety on CD aor DVD.]

I want us to see how successful Jewish people are, and how we should study them, and learn how they have worked hard in a collective manner to become the powerful people that they are.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Photo: Michael Muhammad

Jews make up two-tenths of one percent of the world, but look at where they've reached! Don't you want to study them? Don't you want to rise from the condition that you're in? You need to get the book, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2,” and see how you were undone, and see how they were done!
Here is a quote from Jews about themselves: “As a group, Jews are the most successful in terms of income and wealth. And they have reached the echelons, the highest echelons of power in every field: Transportation, Distribution, Publication, Movies, Theatre, Art, Science, Medicine, Law, Architecture, Astronomy, Archaeology, Anthropology. But all of this was developed through their mastery of Trade and Commerce. It is their success in Trade that fueled all the other areas of Jewish life.”

And David Brooks of the New York Times, in a January 12, 2010 article, wrote: “Jews are a famously-accomplished group. They make up two-tenths of 1 percent of the world population, but they're 54 percent of the World Chess Champions; 27 percent of the Nobel Physics Laureates; and 31 percent of the Medicine Laureates. Jews make up 2 percent of the United States population, but 21 percent of the Ivey League Student Bodies; 26 percent of the Kennedy Center Honorees; 37 percent of the Academy Award winning directors; 38 percent of those on the recent Business Week list of “Leading Philanthropists”; and 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for non-fiction.”

Jews make up two-tenths of one percent of the world, but look at where they've reached! Don't you want to study them? Don't you want to rise from the condition that you're in? You need to get the book, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2,” and see how you were undone, and see how they were done!

We have to do the same thing, but only for Righteousness, and not for Evil, because God is closing down their world. But if you study how they were successful, and use the great principles that they used, for Righteousness' sake, we as a people can rise.

The principal business people of the world

Did you know that when Howard University was being set up, in Congress they were arguing over what Howard was going to teach Blacks? White folks in Congress said, “Well, we don't know why we're setting up this college for Black people, because we're never gonna teach them the Science of Business, the Science of Warfare or the Science of Mating.”

Have you noticed that you can go into business, but that most of you who get a “MBA” (Masters in Business Administration): You're working for White people, but you can't make a business for yourself?

Even our successful Black business men like George Johnson (Ultra Sheen): He had 750 Black people working for him. But where's his business now? Gone. Look at Motown: A Black man started from the ground up, and got it to a certain point, but who owns Motown now? BET was started and developed by a Black man, but now it is owned by Jews.

What offer did they give you that you couldn't refuse? When you think about “business,” business in this world is warfare. And if you don't know the Science of Warfare, you'll make “business,” but you won't know how to protect what you build!

What is the Science of Mating? Now all of you know this takes place in the breeding of dogs and horses; and when they send some of these great champion horses out to “stud,” they pay thousands upon thousands of dollars just for the sperm!

Well, in the House of Rothschild, did you know how they married throughout Europe? “This family” married with “that family,” extending the House, and building their businesses, so that they're the richest House on Earth. We don't do that! You go out to the bar room; you meet somebody in the crack house or, you're partying. See, White folk—the big ones—are not like that. They arrange meetings where this one will mate with that one and extend the House's fortunes.

That's a Science we have to learn, to know how to match this one with that one, and extend the growth and the development of us as a people.


Simon Wolf, a president of the B'nai B'rith Jewish organization, wrote: “…We all know that the first bankers of the world—[the] Rothschilds—are Jews; we know they control not only the money market, but also the political destiny of the European world … Even our loans were taken, principally, by Jews; but mercantile enterprises owe a vast debt to the Jew. You need but look at the streets of the principal cities of the world on Jewish holidays, and you will at once see that trade is in mourning; the busy hum is hushed; everything is languid; the active brain, the quick nervous decision, the daring, yet cautious, speculator is absent. Look at Spain and Ireland, and then at England, France, Germany and the United States …”

And when it's a Jewish holiday, everything gets quiet. Why? Because they are the principal business people of the world. Isn't that something to admire?

What I am saying to you is not for you to “hate” Jewish people. That would be beneath you, because whatever they did, it was by Order of a Power bigger than they, and bigger than we.

God is The Author of our suffering, but He used these people to train us up; to burn us in the Fire of Affliction, the Furnace of Affliction, that we could come out as pure gold to be The Standard of Value of every nation on our Planet!

Jewish control in America and overseas

Today, Jews are 20 percent of the nation's doctors and lawyers. Book publishers Simon & Schuster, Knopf and Random House are Jewish. CBS and NBC are Jewish; half of New York's theatrical producers were Jews, and they exert complete control over the production of movies.

Half the opinion-making and taste-influential paraphernalia in America is in Jewish hands. Can you deny that?

How many members are there of the Supreme Court? Of the nine, two are Jewish: Steven G. Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsberg. And if Elena Kagan is elected, then of the nine, 33 1/3 percent of the Supreme Court will be Jewish.

Pat Buchanan: The ADL called him a “recidivist anti-Semite,” but he's arguing: “Man! What is this? What about about the idea of ‘diversity'?” See, when Congress has to vote, Congress is so wrapped up in, and under the thumb of, Jewish control and power. You don't even have a congressman that will vote, hardly, against anything that deals with Israel in a negative way. That's just not going to happen!


Did you know that it would be no exaggeration to say that the greatest wealth and enterprise in South Africa are to be found in the German-Jewish-Hebrew community? This is according to a Jewish publication.

In South Africa, they run the show. Nelson Mandela, he's a good man, but he couldn't fulfill any promise that he made to his little brothers; that he was going to end the shanty towns, and build all these houses, put electricity there. This is because Black folk can't do anything without White help and support, so the White man doesn't mind making you a “politician” because he's going to control you.

Teaching ‘Black economics' brings ‘anti-Semite' charges

Every Black leader that spoke of economic development was charged with being an “Anti-Semite.” The following is a partial list of respected Blacks who have been victimized by being called “Black Anti-Semites,” and it spans the religious and political spectra!

We'll start with Elijah Muhammad: That man never said one negative word about Jewish people. You know what he did say? “We need to have an economic program”—and that made him “anti-Semitic,” because if you're going to have some “Black Economics” that means “someone is going out of business.”

When you have Black men and women teaching that we should “buy from our own” and “support our own” in the days when the Jews had businesses all in our community, you would be taking money from them. Nowadays, you would be taking it from Arabs, Koreans, and others! Everybody is getting fat off of us!

Other Black leaders called “anti-Semite”: Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Julian Bond, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), Andrew Young, Kweisi Mfume, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Joseph Lowery. And overseas: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Black organizations: The Black Panthers, who were called “anti-Semitic” yesterday; and the New Black Panther Party is being called “anti-Semitic” today! Also, SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee), the Universal Negro Improvement Association (Brother Marcus Garvey's Movement), and the Nation of Islam. Black scholars: John Hope Franklin, J.A. Rogers, James Baldwin, Richard Wright, Julius Lester and Alice Walker. Black entertainers: Michael Jackson, Spike Lee, Ice Cube, Arsenio Hall, Muhammad Ali, Public Enemy, and even Oprah!

Now, you see, whenever a Black person looks like they're going to “step out of line” a little bit, hit 'em with that “anti-Semitism,” and they get right back in line!

And now, they call our dear beloved brother Barack Obama an “anti-Semite.” Now what the hell does he have in common with me? I'm on the bottom rung of the “anti-Semite ladder; he's at the top. Well, who the hell else is in between? That's you!

My God, I mean, are all of us “anti-Semitic”? That's why we're ready to go before the world with the proof.

Modern-day slaves on sport plantations

Have you ever seen such a clamor in the news over our brothers who play sports? Did you hear how the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers talked about poor brother LeBron James, like he betrayed Cleveland by moving somewhere else?

We did the research, and Jews are also the owners and commissioners of sports. They own Basketball, Football, Baseball, Hockey and Soccer. Micky Arison is the owner of the Miami Heat—isn't that where LeBron, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh are?—and Dan Gilbert is the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

You're on a plantation, brother. You know, there are some plantations if you go to, they treat you better, but our brother LeBron went from one plantation owner who is Jewish, to another plantation owner who is Jewish. And the Jewish owner in Miami was jumping up and down, because these Negroes are sitting here like they are the “top stars.”

But in the background is the dude that's saying: “Boy! We're going to get $750 million coming in because of these three Negroes!” They are meat on a plantation. And when your days of playing are over, what's your condition? Broke. What is their condition? Rich.


Every Black man today that is rich, he has friendship with a Jewish person: Jay-Z, P. Diddy, Russell Simmons, Beyoncé, and Oprah—all our people have plenty of money, but they never learned how to network their money to produce real wealth for our people. All the friendship that they have, that makes them rich, was never good enough to make us rich as a people.

And so, beloved, in delivering this message, I know it may bring hurt to me, and to us. But I also know that we will have The Victory.

The Jewish people have the force to hurt; and they also have what it takes to help. I've asked them: “Since your people put ours in this condition, why don't you help me raise our people up from the degraded state that your people have put them in.

Do you think I'm wrong to ask them for this? I'm not asking them for a “check” to give to silly people who are going to give it right back to them! I hope that you will get the books, and see how you are being exploited; how Hollywood has painted you in a stupid way, where we are the “clowns” and still the same “Stepn' Fetchits.”

Can we do better? Shouldn't we do better? Shouldn't we study how successful the Jewish people are, and then set out to become successful ourselves?

Don't you want to establish a little business for yourself? You don't know how to take six, or eight of you, with a common purpose, trusting one another and pooling your resources, and serving your people—but you can do it! And, you're going to be forced to do it!

Note: See related links:

Minister Louis Farrakhan's Open Letter to Black Leadership (07-19-2010)

Minister Louis Farrakhan's Letter To ADL's Abraham Foxman (06-24-2010)

Jewish leaders demand Farrakhan denounce "Secret Relationship" book (07-11-2010)

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MIN. LOUIS FARRAHHAN ~ True Christian Love (Part 8)

Farrakhan Exposes the 'Black Anti-Semite' Myth

Racial inequality and slavery - Bill Moyers

Neo-slavery in the American South

Neo-slavery in the American South

Neo-slavery in the American South

By Brian E. Muhammad and Richard B. Muhammad
Final Call Staff Writers | Last updated: Jul 27, 2010 - 11:45:58 PM

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Though called by other names, poor Blacks are kept in bondage today in the United States

Photo: Istockphoto
COLUMBIA, S.C. (FinalCall.com) - Nearly 150 years after Emancipation, trapped by extreme poverty, isolation, fear and shame, some Blacks remain victims of neo-slavery in rural areas of the South, locked into work in fields, factories and assorted industries.

While not bought and sold at auction block, these poor Blacks are forced to work, live in shacks, often have no indoor plumbing and are often trapped in peonage, tied to land where they owe owners debts that are never repaid, according to an activist and researcher. Some Blacks are even forced to pay rent to White landowners for dilapidated housing but are fearful of identifying landlords and owners.

“Slavery never ended and that's the point, it never ended. It just disguised itself in other forms,” says Antoinette Harrell, who is based in Louisiana and has documented the plight of people she describes as modern slaves in America.

Ms. Harrell has been tracking this problem for the past decade. She knows it is hard for many to accept abusive conditions that amount to slavery exist today. Blacks don't want to believe this is happening in 2010, she adds. But people are forced to stay on plantations in Glendora, Miss., Webb, Miss., Roseland, La., and other places where landowners use isolation and threats of violence to keep these Black workers under control, she says.

Antoinette Harrell in Attala County, Mississippi.
Though others would define the conditions as peonage, which was outlawed by the 13th Amendment in 1865, or as sharecropping, where agricultural workers live on and work on land owned by someone else for a share of the fruits of their labor, the researcher is adamant the bottom line is slavery inextricably tied to debilitating poverty.

It's slavery because people are forced to stay against their will, worked, controlled and dehumanized, she stresses. In some cases people have been murdered, charges Ms. Harrell, reciting accounts told to her over the years. In addition to extreme poverty and no opportunity, other essential elements make people vulnerable: There is no transportation, workers don't have cars, dogs are used to track people who try to run away and many feel there is nowhere else to go, says Ms. Harrell.

Dr. Ron Walters, a political scientist at the University of Maryland, explains that after Emancipation, new systems were instituted to exploit Blacks and to keep Blacks essentially enslaved. Over the years, whenever federal officials were asked to intervene, one problem was proving that Blacks were indeed suffering from slavery prohibited by the Constitution, he says.

Plantation owners, understanding the law, would argue that there was no slavery and the Justice Dept. was unable to declare what was happening illegal because of “vague” Constitutional language, he adds. Another problem was the lack of political will and a concern about confronting and exposing the continued problem of slavery and Blacks in America, Dr. Walters explains. From 1865 onward, the problem has cropped up at different times, but it has never been entirely resolved, he adds.

Ms. Harrell, a genealogist, became aware of modern manifestations of slavery while exploring the issue of reparations. Based on conversations with workers, Ms. Harrell says she found many did not know they could actually leave. Ms. Harrell is unsure of how many people may be in this condition inside the United States. She has been able to access these areas by networking, researching plantation histories and locations and through the story of Mae Miller.

Ms. Miller, whose life as a modern slave in Mississippi and Louisiana has been documented, escaped captivity in 1961. The problem exists today, she declares. Ms. Miller, who says she was raped by a slave master beginning at age five, told The Final Call her family and others who moved from one plantation to another where they worked and were kept in horrible conditions and weren't regularly fed. We were beaten and barely fed table scraps, she recalls.

Ms. Miller says she didn't realize she had been kept illegally as a slave until 2001. She recalls that her father, her mother, her siblings, her grandfather were with her. She says she didn't know anything about other family members or what was happening in the outside world.

Ms. Miller says she knows people that are still on these plantations—and who still live under the fear and conditions that she suffered from. Her story was told in 2007 in People magazine, as well on ABC Nightline and CNN. She declines to talk about her family's experience—it brings up painful memories loved ones would like to forget. Her family's plight was called peonage in the People article.

Slavery in all its forms

According to the Florida-based Coalition for Immokalee Workers the problem of real slavery exists today—in particular among tomato pickers and agriculture workers in the Sunshine State. “Slavery in Florida today is not separate from the past—indeed its roots extend deep within our state's history. Farm workers have always been, and remain today, the state's poorest, least powerful workers,” says Gerardo Reyes of the coalition. “If we are to abolish slavery once and for all in Florida agriculture, we must pull it up by the roots by addressing farm worker poverty and powerlessness.”

“There is real slavery in the fields of Florida. This is not about lousy jobs, but violent control, vicious exploitation, and the potential for serious harm and even death,” adds Dr. Kevin Bales, of Free the Slaves, an international organization.

Photo of a cabin where workers lived in Webb, Mississippi. Photos: Walter C. Black Sr.
The coalition is kicking off a July 25-Aug. 14 tour of its Modern-Day Slavery Museum, which will visit the northeast. The exhibit consists of a cargo truck designed as a replica of trucks involved in a 2008 slave operation in Florida. Dozens of farm workers from Mexico and Guatemala were kept in trucks and shacks, beaten, forced to pay for food and showers, and plied with alcohol. Some of victims suffered in bondage for years and were forced to work fields in Florida and other locations in North Carolina and South Carolina.

The Coalition for Immokalee Workers, a farm worker justice group, says the upcoming tour is also an attempt to raise awareness of conditions in the tomato supply chains for Ahod's USA supermarket brands, which it says includes Giant, Stop&Shop, and Martins.

Since 1997, the coalition says it has helped the Justice Dept. prosecute seven farm slavery operations and helped free over 1,000 people.

“I am not surprised with that because it's the same system and Florida was one of the 16 states that really heavy peonage cases came from there,” says Ms. Harrell. “The new slaves that they are focusing on in 2010 are the immigrants.”

The sixteen states that Ms. Harrell's research has shown were once involved in post-Emancipation slavery included Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Missouri, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Arizona, New York, Illinois and Georgia. Today the problem exists in Louisiana and Mississippi, she says.

Calls to the U.S. Department of Justice about allegations of modern slavery in the South went unanswered at Final Call press time, however cases of slavery involving immigrant workers have been prosecuted by the federal agency. Attempts to reach state officials in Louisiana were unsuccessful, Mississippi officials, however, did respond. “No one has complained of this to our office. If you have specific allegations, we'd be happy to hear them and see what we can do or help refer to the appropriate agency,” says Jan Shaffer, a public information officer with the Mississippi state attorney general's office.

While the plight of immigrant workers, sexual bondage, holding women against their will and forcing them into prostitution; human trafficking, in which immigrants pay for passage to America and are forced to work in factories, prostitution or restaurants; or child labor, where children are exploited and abused to make products, are acknowledged and called forms of slavery, calling poor Blacks in the South “slaves” remains distasteful and is seen as almost impossible.

But Ms. Harrell traces the connections to slavery and post-slavery practices through the U.S. National Archives, Justice Department records, local court records and interviews victims living on plantations to understand and document its existence.

“The documents are there from the slave holders; companies that insured our family members, our ancestors and once you start to look into records, you find something a little bit deeper,” Ms. Harrell says.

She says she met people in St. Johns and St. Charles parish in Louisiana who were on sugar cane plantations well into the 1960s and 1970s.

According to Ms. Harrell, letters appealing for investigations into the claims, filed at the National Archives expose that no fewer than three U.S. presidents knew of post-Emancipation slavery during their terms—Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Digging through U.S. Department of Justice records in Washington, D.C., Dr. Walters, who is also director of the African American Leadership Institute at the University of Maryland, found the extent to which the federal government was aware of post-Emancipation slavery and its challenges with addressing the problem.

Glendora, Miss., Mayor Johnny Thomas agrees bogus debt schemes like peonage and sharecropping were used to exploit Black people well into the 20th century. This was his experience growing up as a sharecropper in the late 1950s.

“It's pre-meditated,” Mayor Thomas explains. “You were kept indebted to the point where you couldn't leave.” In these cases the plantation owner pays the debt, then the “debtor” and—in most instances—his entire family work the plantation to repay the money. Only the debt is never caught up.

Mayor Thomas says as far as he knows sharecropping is going on, albeit hurt by the economy, but not slavery.

Both Ms. Harrell and Dr. Walters told The Final Call that the deplorable conditions people are living under on the plantations is nothing short of slavery regardless of the label.

“They are in deep rural areas, miles off the main highways, back off into cotton fields where you got 2,000 acres; how can they get away?” asks Ms. Harrell.

“I was born into slavery, I guess because my father was in slavery. I don't know if it was generational or only us,” Mae Miller says. “As far as I can remember back when I was a little bitty girl it was happening to us.”

Talks with Ms. Miller expose the extent of isolation experienced with no exposure to the world outside of the plantations. She later learned to read and write and worked following her literal escape from a White landowner under, she says, a death threat.

According to Ms. Harrell, two things must happen as awareness of slavery in modern America grows: The language of what is understood as slavery in the history books must be expanded and there must be a legal injunction against the U.S. for allowing slavery to continue illegally.

Eradication of slavery in America is an issue for the World Court because the practice is a crime against humanity, argues Ms. Harrell. She also sees the atrocity as another example of why Blacks deserve reparations. “It is necessary for the attorneys to come and further the case for reparations, not only for the 19th century but the 20th and 21st century,” Ms. Harrell argues.

The Cotton Pickin' Truth: Still on the Plantation (FCN, 07-13-2010)

Reposted from THE FINAL CALL (finalcall.com)

The horror and neo-slavery of sharecropping

The horror and neo-slavery of sharecropping

By Jehron Muhammad -Contributing Writer- | Last updated: Sep 8, 2010 - 9:42:23 AM

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Photo courtesy, The Library of Congress Archives
(FinalCall.com) - During a recent visit to see my 91-year-old grandmother, I inquired about her move from Abbevelle, S.C. to Philadelphia. After the death of her mother, my grandmother, Francis Ramsey, said her sharecropper father decided there was no reason to stay and moved the family to Philadelphia. She was six years old when the decision was made and till this very day she still doesn't understand why there was such an abrupt relocation.

The backbreaking workload precipitated by a post slavery sharecropping economy that left Black farmers always in debt to their White masters is probably the answer behind the decision to move North.

According to the new book The Secret Relationships Between Blacks & Jews: How Jews Gained Control Over The Black American Economy Volume Two, under this slavery-like system, Black farmers “renting on the worst possible terms … had to pay half to two-thirds of their yearly crop to the landlord for the privilege” of sharecropping. And since the sharecropper needed “mules, tools, and seed, along with necessities including food, clothing and shelter, for himself and his family in order to get started in farming,” his only collateral—since he had no money to pay the merchant—was his future crop.

Never able to generate enough money to pay off this debt owed to the merchant and landlord, the Black farmer was resigned to working in a system geared toward enslavement through debt, while his White “masters” waxed fat off of his labor.

Some larger plantations, with many sharecropper farms, printed their own paper money and minted their own coins. These were actually advanced to sharecroppers against the following year's harvest and to guarantee purchases from plantation stores. The trouble was the money was legal tender only when used at the plantation store, and the price, in most cases, far exceeded the prices at the neighboring town market.

Other more creative methods to exploit Blacks were used including selling government-issued free goods that were supposed to feed the freed slaves. In addition the Whites, and in more cases Jewish merchants, also fleeced this poor sharecropping class by “cooking the books,” or charging more than was actually owed.

In one of the many portraits chronicling the sharecropping system, an intelligent young Black girl schooled in “rudimentary math” discovers she is no match “for the figures at the company store.”In Jean Wheeler Smith's “Frankie Mae,” (1968) the 13-year-old questions the landowner's calculations. Barely able to restrain himself from shooting the young girl and her father, the landowner sends them away with these words: “Long as you live, b---h, I'm gonna be right and you gonna be wrong. Now get your black a-- outta here.”

The incentive to leave the sharecropper existence was apparent and was a main reason for Black migrations to the North.

Since the landlords and merchants profits depended on Black labor, they were determined to keep sharecroppers in their place. Threats of violence, intimidation and actual brute force to keep tenants from leaving became the order of the day. When Blacks were discovered on trains trying to leave their meager existence, they were often pulled off and returned to their plantations. But this didn't stop the exodus to the North. In fact between 1920 and 1930, Chicago, a favorite destination of Blacks fleeing the South, increased from a population of 109,458 to 233,903. The growth was attributable to Blacks fleeing the South for the dream of better living conditions in the North.

As a child the desire to leave a slave-like existence and the sentiments expressed in “Frankie Mae” were actually shared with the author by 66-year-old Sakinah Muhammad, formally known as Johnnie Bynum. During a phone interview from her home in Baton Rouge, La., she talked about her sharecropping experience.

Between the age of 8 and 16, Johnnie (Sakinah), her mom and 8 of her 10 siblings, worked on a 20-acre farm in Baton Rouge picking cotton. She said her weekly wage between age 8 and 10 (obviously this wasn't effected by child labor laws) was “in vanilla wafers, cookies, cheese and a soda.” She said between age 10 and 16 her weekly salary increased to .25 cents. Though the conditions “were very harsh” and led her to often be “very sick,” she was still able—between age 8 and 10 to pick three bales of cotton per day and nearly double that output between age 10 and 16. She worked seven days per week from “dawn until sunset.”

“You missed a lot of school because you had to work the field,” she said.

She later via email recollected one of the reasons for her constantly being sick: “There wasn't any bathrooms for Blacks. My first year in the field, I would soil my clothes and my mother was not able to stop work to take me out of sight to relieve myself.”

Also growing up sharecropping and working the cotton field was literary giant Alice Walker and former Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod. During a recent CNN interview she explained her“back breaking” experience picking cotton in Georgia. “You had a sack, you know, that you put on and the sack went over,” Sherrod explained, “a (particular) shoulder.” She then gestured about “the opening” of the sack being a certain place in relation to her shoulder. “So you are bending over picking cotton and putting it in the sack. And when it gets full, you got to take it over to a burlap sheet and pour it in there and you did that all day long,” she said.

Alice Walker didn't like the feeling of revisiting slavery. According to Alice Walker: A Critical Companion (2005) by Gerri Bates, Walker, whose parents were sharecroppers, felt this post-slavery system “was worst than slavery,” because this system“took exploitation to a new level.”

Under slavery people were never compensated; under sharecropping they “worked and were rarely paid and ended up in debt.” This system like what occurred in literally thousands of Black households across the South “robbed her of her early life, which to her was a lifetime,” wrote Bates.

This robbing of a lifetime is why Sakinah Muhammad says she “cries each time” she picks up and reads The Secret Relationship Vol. 2. This chronicling of the post-emancipation system that forced Blacks back into a slave-like existence and robbed them of a chance to achieve economic parity is not only what “I've read,” she said, “it's what I actually experienced.”

(We'd love to hear from you. Many Black parents and grandparents have experienced much of what was written above. There are literally thousands of similar stories. But the problem is our relatives are up in age and we stand to lose this history unless it's chronicled. What we propose is that you interview your relatives that have held on to this information and then send those stories to the email provided. A Web site will be created for posting these stories and allowing the world to read and begin to show appreciation for the holocaust that Black people have suffered. You can email Jehron Muhammad at Jehronn@msn.com.

Related news:

Neo-slavery in the American South (FCN, 07-27-2010)

The Cotton Pickin' Truth: Still on the Plantation (FCN, 07-13-2010)

The Cotton Pickin' Truth: Still on the Plantation

The Cotton Pickin' Truth: Still on the Plantation

The Cotton Pickin' Truth: Still on the Plantation

By Brian E. Muhammad -Contributing Writer- | Last updated: Jul 13, 2010 - 10:38:51 AM

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A documentary on modern day slavery

(FinalCall.com) - Mae Louise Miller grew up in chattel slavery working from plantation to plantation for White owners in the South where her family picked cotton and she was beaten and raped repeatedly from the age of five. Her story is typical of the horrid accounts of slave life in America during the 19th century, only this saga is not from back then, it is a true story of the present.

Ms. Miller was enslaved until 1961 and there is evidence of slavery today in different parts of America's South.

Yes, slavery still exists in 2010 in Mississippi and Louisiana, says Timothy Arden Smith, who captured the story in a soon to be released documentary called “The Cotton Pickin' Truth … Still on the Plantation,” which will premiere Sept. 23 at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History in Detroit.

The film is a project of S & S Films International and produced by Mr. Smith and Tobias “Profit” Smith. The documentary was conceived after an appearance by Ms. Miller on the Warren Ballentine Radio Show and was created to bring exposure to the shocking and little talked about truth. Timothy Smith is executive producer for the nationally syndicated radio program.

“After the show I prayed a lot and my dad had been wanting to do a documentary and God told me this is the documentary he ought to do,” said Tobias Smith, who is also an independent hip hop recording artist.

The younger Smith said they reached out to Ms. Miller with their intentions, and decided doing the film was not economic-driven but was a “mission.”

In the process of interviewing Ms. Miller about her life as a 20th century slave in America, the Smiths learned from her that slavery was still being practiced in Mississippi and Louisiana today. Then the filmmakers were taken to Glendora, Miss., and Webb, Miss., where they said they saw and documented the existence of plantations.

The Smiths said the areas are isolated, deep inland from main roads and “far away from civilization,” where plantation owners do what they want.

According to the Smiths, there are many who know that slavery didn't end with the Emancipation Proclamation nearly 150 years ago. The elder Smith said talking about the documentary and pre-showings of the film revealed that a significant number of people know firsthand, based on having family members still on the plantations, or themselves growing up in slavery but choose to remain silent.

Others express disbelief and denial because of the perception of racial progress in America, such as having a Black president.

“The upper class Blacks look at it and they are shocked,” said Timothy Smith. “They feel ‘this is not going on we have a Black president.' ”

It is out of sight and out of mind for those who know slavery exists, he added.

Timothy Smith pointed out that the film gives meaning to the human experience and how most people are yet enslaved on one level or another. He cited his colleagues in the media industry who choose to focus on partying and frivolity, fearful of taking on a serious issue such as slavery in modern America.

“No matter if you are Black or White you will see yourself in the documentary,” said Mr. Smith. “You are still on the plantation.”

Along with Mae Louise Miller, the film also features commentary from activist/comedian Dick Gregory, Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree and others.

“We want to make people aware about what's going on so we can stop what's going on,” Tobias Smith said. A trailer for the film can be viewed at http://www.theprofitmusic.com.

Slavery in the 20th Century

Slavery in Alabama and Mississippi

Slavery in Alabama and Mississippi

By the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad | Last updated: Jul 16, 2010 - 5:13:57 PM

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The White man's tricknology is always being trumpeted to the world (that they are peace lovers), as though they want all people, as they falsely claim, to be free and to live in peace, while they are sitting on and crushing between twenty and thirty million Black people in America, who were their servitude slaves a hundred years ago. Now, for one hundred years, the slavemasters' children falsely claim that we are free and that they are trying to treat us as free people.

It has come to me that in the state of Alabama, in Greene County, Alabama, there are big plantations owned by White people; and their stately white houses sit up on hills and the slaves live in a surrounding of shacks. These Black people work hard for very small pay. It is said by some that the salaries range from twenty-five cents a day to $2.50 a week. Rough clothes to work in are furnished to them.

This kind of slave labor goes on through the generations. One generation after another is subjected to this slave way of life in what is called a free world. In order to keep these Black people in this type of slavery, the owner has a mounted guard patrolling the plantation with a gun lying across his lap in the saddle on his horse, to see that there is no Black interference from the outside to entice the enslaved Blacks on the inside of his plantation to come in a better area for better wages.

These people grow up there and die there on the plantation. Some of them never know civilization. They are satisfied because they know no other life but the slave life that their fathers and grandfathers have been living under. We hear this kind of slavery goes on not only in Greene County, Alabama, but in other states such as Mississippi and Georgia.

Years ago, when I was a young man in Georgia, I heard that such slavery on large plantations was going on in certain areas in Georgia. Our people will go to farm there (and the poor man probably owes another White farmer) and this White farmer pays the debt that he owes the other White farmer; and then the Black man becomes the slave the balance of his and his family's life on the plantation of this White man who paid the debt to a previous White plantation owner. As long as he lives, he never pays that debt. This is the worse injustice and the most cruel slavery of all.

They are shot and killed or beaten to death if they are found trying to leave the plantation. The White owners make other Blacks of the same plantation (under fear) be their informers of what is said and planned by other Blacks. It has been told to me in my younger life that certain rivers, lakes, and wooded wilderness- like places carry the bones and skulls of many Black slaves from these plantations in so called “freedom” times and in the age of abolished slavery by the law of this government and the world.

But in these Southern states where Mr. George Wallace was running for president, he could make every Black man and woman in the South vote for him under fear.

These Black people are afraid to disobey White people in high offices or even an old White farmer who is hardly able to buy himself a new overall suit.

The Black people in the South have been brought up for many years and for centuries to fear White people. Where there is no freedom or chance to get out among free people, these Black people become the most ignorant and the most terrified people of Whites that there are in the country of America. And the White man knows this. He gets rich. He builds himself a fi ne luxurious home on the plantation and as far as he can see he claims that the land is his and the poor slaves are living in the worst of shacks. When the rains come, some of them have to go to the walls of their houses with pails to catch the rain coming through their almost open roofs.

When winter comes, they are sitting up to their fi replaces trying to keep warm. These are the worst living conditions of human beings that could even be in the jungles of Africa where they do not have sawmills or brick kilns to saw timber into lumber and to mold bricks.

America has everything necessary to make her slaves good warm homes, cool homes, and to give her slaves a good living wage, because our fathers, for four hundred years, have already supplied the wealth for us today to be given good, substantial wages for our necessities of life. ...

The Black man of America is so mistreated by his four hundred year old slave master and his slavemasters' children that you just cannot describe any other mistreatment of human beings to equal the evil and ill treatment that the Black Man has and still suffers in America.

The U.S. Mail comes into these towns and cities and in some places the Black people are forced to walk to a drug store and ask a White drug store owner for their mail. Then they are treated like dogs and as though the White devils are giving him something free while the senders of the mail have paid tax for postal carriers to bring it to their doors.

Little Black children are walking around with sores—pus running out of them--for the lack of medical attention. Little Black children are dying of diseases right in the false “freedom” of the U.S.A. ...

I have heard from their mouths, when I lived in the South, that “there were too many Negroes in the South and the White people should kill off some of them.” “There are more Negroes than Whites and the White man should kill off some of these Negroes.”

What chance does the Black man have under the shadow of the American government for freedom, justice and equality? I thank Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praise is due forever, who has come to deliver the Black man in America and to kill our oppressors.

This is very good, and we should be shouting day and night that a deliverer has come. The revelation of the Bible has given this people the right name (a beast) and a most vicious description does the revelation give. In Daniel of the Bible, this people is described as a beast rising up out of the sea with three ribs of a man in its mouth. This is the description of America with the Black slaves swallowed for three centuries in the power of our enemies (the devils).

The Black Man of the South would be a fool to vote for any White man of the South to rule him. He should stay away from the polls, because the White man for whom he votes is an enemy of his and is bound to tighten the shackles tighter than ever. They preach of enforcing the law, and that law is an unjust law directed against the Black Man.

Vote for Allah and for His servant, Elijah Muhammad and by the power of our Allah (God), who has come in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praise is due forever, all the prophesies of the Bible of what He will do in freeing the Black man of America will be fulfi lled. Let us submit to Him and live in peace with money, in good homes, and with the friendship of God and the righteous. There is nothing that you have to fear today, but God Himself. It is useless for us to fear our enemy after the coming and presence of our God, Who has power over the very atoms of life; for it is fear of the White man that will cause our people to eat the fi re of hell with the White man if they do not recognize the fact that it is God Whom they should fear and not the devil. The world of the White man is now crumbling and coming to naught. The safety of the Black man is in His God. As the Holy Qur'an teaches us, in this day and time, seek refuge in Allah, the God of the Black man. He is the only place of refuge.

We have made America one of the richest and strongest people on earth. Her mighty navy is commanding the high seas with undersea craft crawling on the bottom of the ocean, carrying deadly weapons to surface and pour out on towns and cities of other than America and with listening devices set up throughout the earth on land, sea, and in the air, to listen to see what people are saying about her and planning against her, knowing she is guilty and deserving of death, and that she should be taken and destroyed.

She has prepared to put up a mighty battle, but Allah too has prepared and He is the Best Preparer; knowing their thoughts before they were ever made. They have not the slightest chance today against the power of Allah that is working against them, even through the forces of nature. ...

Here in America, Almighty Allah (God) wants to make Himself known with both the punishment and the destruction of this mighty, powerful, and rich people.

Fear not, my dear Black people, for we have Allah with us; and He is a mighty, a strong, and the most powerful one to be feared. Come follow me, and I will lead you to your salvation.

(Text from “Message to the Blackman,” 1965.)

Reposted from THE FINAL CALL (finalcall.com)

SLAVERY ~ Are you still a Slave?

Should America Pay Reparations?

Should America Pay Reparations?

By Toure Muhammad -Contributing Writer- | Last updated: Jun 27, 2010 - 7:12:49 PM

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Activists, scholars: U.S. can’t avoid responsibility for slavery


‘People were scared to have the discussion on reparations over the last year and half because they said we have a Black president and should not be discussing it. I want to thank Henry Louis Gates for his opinion editorial, published in the New York Times, because he actually is helping us reenergize the discussion on reparations.’
—Dr. Conrad Worrill

CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) - Although they believe Henry Louis Gates Jr. trivializes a most heinous crime against humanity—the European enslavement of African people—advocates say he has become an unwitting ally to the reparations movement.

Dr. Conrad Worrill took “strong exception” to the April 23, 2010 opinion piece, “Ending the Slavery Blame-Game,” by Mr. Gates, a Harvard professor, due to “gross errors, inaccuracies and misrepresentations in Mr. Gates' presentation of the trans-Atlantic European enslavement system.” Still the director of the Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies thanked Gates for bringing reparations back into public debate.

Dr. Worrill, and the National Black United Front hosted a community forum held in Chicago June 18 to discuss the resurgence of the reparations movement, fueled by reaction to the Gates' commentary.

“People were scared to have the discussion on reparations over the last year and half because they said we have a Black president and should not be discussing it,” said Dr. Worrill. “I want to thank Henry Louis Gates for his opinion editorial, published in the New York Times, because he actually is helping us reenergize the discussion on reparations.”

Reparations is defined as the making of amends for wrong or injury done. Advocates argue that reparations is a process of repairing, healing and restoring a people injured because of their group identity and in violation of their fundamental human rights by governments or corporations.

Dr. Raymond Winbush, director of the Institute for Urban Research at Morgan State University and author of “Should America Pay?” and “Belinda's Petition: A Concise History of Reparations for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade” led the community forum discussion, titled “Revitalizing the Reparations Movement & a Critique of Henry Louis Gates, Jr.'s ‘Ending the Slavery Blame Game.' ”

After giving some historical context, Dr. Winbush began to address the main point of the Gates article which “contradicts his stated purpose of ending what he refers to as a blame-game, by erroneously making African rulers and elites equally responsible with European and American enslavers.”

In his article, Mr. Gates said that “most vexing is how to parcel out blame to those directly involved in the capture and sale of human beings for immense economic gain. While we are all familiar with the role played by the United States and the European colonial powers like Britain, France, Holland, Portugal and Spain, there is very little discussion of the role Africans themselves played. And that role, it turns out, was a considerable one, especially for the slave-trading kingdoms of western and central Africa.”

Mr. Gates shifts the “blame” in a clear attempt to undermine the demand for reparations, Dr. Winbush explained. Despite Gates' assertion, scholars of African history and reparations activists acknowledge the collaboration of some African rulers, elites, merchants and middlemen in the slave trade. Indeed, “collaboration accompanies oppression as a continuing fact of history,” said Dr. Winbush.

But collaborators were part of two other major Holocausts: the Jewish Holocaust and the Native American Holocaust. The Jewish Holocaust had its Judenräte, Jewish councils which chose Jews for enslaved labor and for the death camps and facilitated their transport to them, as well as its “kapos,” Jewish camp overseers, who brutalized their fellow prisoners along with Nazi guards. In the Native American Holocaust, there were Native Americans who fought alongside Whites to defeat, dispossess and dominate other Native Americans.

Such collaboration in oppression is not unique to Africa and Africans, said the scholars.

“Yet Gates, ignoring the historical record, merges three distinct groups involved in the Holocaust of enslavement: perpetrators, collaborators and victims,” said Dr. Winbush.

Reparation advocates say the facts are that White Europeans and North Americans initiated the Atlantic slave trade and profited most from it. How much did they profit? Harper's Magazine estimated the total of reparations for slavery due is over $100 trillion, based on 222.5 million hours of forced labor between 1619 and 1865, with a compounded interest of 6 percent.

The call for reparations is also not a new one. In Dr. Winbush's book, “Belinda's Petition,” he gives the account of a captured female African who petitioned the court of Massachusetts asking that her former slave master pay her for 30-plus years of free and forced labor. In 1783, Belinda requested an income from the estate of her former owner, Isaac Royall. The Massachusetts House and Senate awarded Belinda “15 Pounds, 12 Shillings” per year. The “pension” awarded to Belinda may be one of the first cases of reparation for slavery and the slave trade, according to the Winbush book.

Another monumental call for reparations was declared in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's 10-point answer to one of the most frequently asked questions directed at him: What the Muslims Want. His answers can be found on page 39 of every Final Call or in his monumental book “Message to the Blackman.”

Point number four detailed some of his demand: “We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own—either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave-masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave-masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 or 25 years until we are able to produce and supply our own needs.

“Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by White America justifies, our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own.”

The reparations movement has also been waged in the political arena. In January 1989, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) first introduced H.R. 40, the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. He has reintroduced H.R. 40 at every congressional session since that year.

Rep. Conyers proposed legislation does four things: (1) acknowledges the fundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; (2) establishes a commission to study slavery and its subsequent racial and economic discrimination against freed slaves; (3) studies the impact of those forces on today's living Black Americans; and (4) would allow the commission to make recommendations to Congress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living Black descendants.

During the forum, Dr. Winbush outlined four steps to true racial reconciliation.

“First, the nation committing a crime against humanity must formally apologize to its victims; secondly, the nation must then conduct an investigation and accounting for the impact of the crime against humanity; thirdly, international law, such as United Nations recognizes that whenever crimes against humanity have occurred, compensatory measures must be made by the nations that committed the crimes; and finally the optional step is prosecution of the wrongdoers. This decision is made by the victims; however, an international court of law may prosecute regardless of victims' desire,” said Dr. Winbush.

Another critique of the Gates opinion piece, as highlighted by Dr. Worrill, is that the reparations debate includes much more than reparations for the trans-Atlantic slave trade and hundreds of years of chattel slavery. “There are 18 reasons for reparations. We seek reparations because of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, 400 years of our labor, slave codes laws, destruction of the African family, raping of African women, fugitive slave laws, colonization of our African culture, KKK lynchings, the 13 and 14th Amendments—they didn't ask the captured Africans if we wanted to be citizens—denied 40 acres and a mule, Jim Crow laws, forcing us to fight in imperialist wars, the assassination of Black leaders, COINTELPRO, the crack cocaine epidemic, criminalizing our young people, jailing our freedom fighters, and centuries of miseducation and mental atrocities,” said Dr. Worrill.

As the reparations movement finds resurgence, the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, known as N'COBRA, is hosting its 21st annual conference in New Orleans June 25-27. N'COBRA is a mass-based coalition organized for the sole purpose of obtaining reparations for African descendants in the United States. Since its inception N'COBRA has embraced public education, mobilization, and organization to obtain reparations. The conference theme is “United Voices for Reparations.”

As N'COBRA continues to support the House version of the reparations bill, the group is pushing U.S. Senator Roland Burris, a Democrat from Illinois, because he is a “proponent of reparations, an Afro-descendant” to sponsor a Senate version as well.

(For more info on the conference or the desired Senate bill, go to www.ncobra.org.)

Reposted from THE FINAL CALL (finalcall.com)


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